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{get sql="SELECT contentid,title,url,thumb FROM `phpcms_content` WHERE contentid IN (SELECT contentid FROM phpcms_content_position WHERE posid=1) and thumb != '' and status=99 $cats163 ORDER BY contentid DESC" rows="1"} 安健科技“精准诊断之动态DR影像技术普及工程”正式启幕 {/get}
{get sql="SELECT contentid,title,url,thumb FROM `phpcms_content` WHERE contentid IN (SELECT contentid FROM phpcms_content_position WHERE posid=1) and thumb != '' and status=99 $cats40 ORDER BY contentid DESC" rows="1"} 安健科技“精准诊断之动态DR影像技术普及工程”正式启幕 {/get}
{get sql="SELECT contentid,title,url,thumb FROM `phpcms_content` WHERE contentid IN (SELECT contentid FROM phpcms_content_position WHERE posid=1) and thumb != '' and status=99 $cats383 ORDER BY contentid DESC" rows="1"} 安健科技“精准诊断之动态DR影像技术普及工程”正式启幕 {/get}
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